Sat exists at all timespast, present, and future. Atma
is called Sat. Asat is a notion that does not exist at all (like the horn of a rabbit, or the
water in a mirage). The one that has a beginning and an end is neither Sat nor
Asat. The body is neither Sat nor Asat, or both Sat and Asat, because, it has a temporary
existence. Mithya is the one that appears Sat at
first sight, but is really Asat. Body, like the universe or Jagat, is called
Mithya. Know That, by which all this (universe) is pervaded, to be indestructible. No
one can destroy the indestructible (Atma) . (2.17)
Bodies of the eternal, imperishable, and
incomprehensible soul are said to be perishable. Therefore, fight, O
Arjuna. (2.18)
The one who thinks that Atma is a slayer, and the one
who thinks that Atma is slain, both are ignorant, be cause Atma neither slays nor is
slain. (2.19) |