Sanjaya said: O King, after
speaking like this to Lord Krishna, the mighty Arjuna said to Krishna: I shall not
fight, and became silent. (2.09)
O King, Lord Krishna, as if smiling, spoke these words
to the despondent Arjuna in the midst of the two armies. (2.10)
The Supreme Lord said: You grieve for those who are
not worthy of grief, and yet speak the words of wisdom. The wise grieve neither for the living nor for the dead.
There was never a time when I, you, or these kings did
not exist; nor shall we ever cease to exist in the future. (2.12)
Just as the Atma acquires a childhood body, a youth
body, and an old age body during this life, similarly Atma acquires another body after death. The wise are
not deluded by this. (See also 15.08) (2.13) |