The Atma is said to be unmanifest, unthinkable, and
unchanging. Knowing this Atma as such you should not grieve. (2.25)
If you think that this (body) takes birth and dies
perpetually, even then, O Arjuna, you should not grieve like this. (2.26)
Because, death is certain for the one who is born, and
birth is certain for the one who dies. Therefore, you
should not lament over the inevitable. (2.27)
All beings, O Arjuna, are unmanifest before birth and
after death. They are manifest between the birth and
the death only. What is there to grieve about? (2.28)
Some look upon this Atma as a wonder, another
describes it as wonderful, and others hear of it as a wonder. Even after hearing about it no one actually knows
it. (2.29) |