Your enemies will speak many
unmentionable words and
scorn your ability. What could be more painful than this? (2.36)
You will go to heaven if killed, or you will enjoy the earth
if victorious. Therefore, get up with a determination to fight, O Arjuna. (2.37)
Treating pleasure and pain, gain and loss, victory and
defeat alike, engage yourself in your duty. By doing your duty this way you will not
incur sin. (2.38)
The wisdom of Saamkhya (or the knowledge of the Self)
has been imparted to you, O Arjuna. Now listen to the wisdom of Karma-yoga
endowed with which you will free yourself from the bondage of Karma. (2.39)
In Karma-yoga no effort is ever lost,
and there is no
harm. Even a little practice of this discipline protects
one from great fear (of birth and death). (2.40) |