Atma or Atman means
consciousness, spirit, soul, self, the source of life and the cosmic power behind the
body mind complex. Just as our body exists in space,
similarly our thoughts, intellect, emotions, and psyche exist in Atma, the space of
consciousness. Atma cannot be perceived by the senses, because, the senses abide in Atma. The contacts of the
senses with the sense objects give rise
to the feelings of heat and cold, and pain and pleasure.
They are transitory and impermanent. Therefore, (learn
to) endure them, O Arjuna. (2.14)
Because the calm person, who is not a3icted by these
feelings and is steady in pain and pleasure, becomes at for immortality, O Arjuna. (2.15)
There is no nonexistence of the Sat (or Atma) and no
existence of the Asat. The reality of these two is indeed certainly seen by the seers of truth. (2.16) |