to manage and develop the Somanatha Estate or any part thereof in such manner as the
Trustees may deem fit, including setting up buildings or agricultural farms or other
schemes not repugnant to the principal objects contained in clauses (a) to (h) hereof; (l) to maintain and develop goshalas for developing good breed of
cows and other cattle and a farm or farms for the same;
(m) to take over, maintain, conduct and manage, other
public Trusts of a religious or charitable nature which have as their objects the
maintenance, upkeep or conduct of any Hindu temple, shrine or sacred place, of the setting
up, maintenance or conduct of any institution, one of the features of which is the object
specified in clauses (f) and (k) hereof;
(n) to do all things necessary, germane or incidental to
the aforesaid objects."
Before the temple could be rebuilt, Sardar Patel passed
away on the 15th December 1950. So long as the Iron Man with the bronze complexion was
alive, nobody dared to whisper a word against the reconstruction of Somanatha, which was
rightly considered as an Act of historic justice. But with his death, a whispering
campaign was set afoot that the whole project was no more than an exhibition of Hindu
revivalism. |