trust, it was then decided, was to consist of two representatives of donors; two eminent
public men; two representatives of the Government of India; and two representatives of the
Government of Saurashtra (of whom one would 'be from Junagadh). The Board of Trustees were
to be assisted by an Advisory Committee, the composition of which was to be settled by the
Government of India. The objects of the Trust were
to include 'not only the rebuilding and the maintenance of the Somanatha Temple itself and
its auxiliary institutions, the renovation of Dehotsarga where Lord Shri Krishna cast off
His mortal coils, but also the general improvement of the neighbourhood so as to restore
its atmosphere of sanctity.' Munshi was requested to prepare the Trust Deed.
Munshi's view was that a temple 'by itself would not be
enough in these days of cultural resurgence, nor did the authoritative tradition of a
great temple permit its dissociation from a centre of learning. If the temple was to be a
real centre of attraction for the country, it should have close association with an
All-India Sanskrit University and should also have a suburb where people could come either
for health, study or for rest, and a Goshala. |