I learn from Gadgil, it was also mentioned to the Cabinet. At the time, the policy of the
Government was that the W.M.P. Ministry should reconstruct the old shrines and they were
so doing in the case of certain Muslim shrines and mosques. "The Government of India thereafter deputed Government architects to visit
Prabhas and prepared a report for the reconstruction of the temple.
" When the whole scheme was discussed by Sardar with
Bapu, he stated that it was all right except that the funds necessary for reconstructing
the temple should come from the public. Gadgil also saw Bapu and Bapu gave him the same
Thereafter, the idea that the Government of India should
finance the reconstruction of the temple was given up.
"On December 25, 1947, the States Ministry requested
the Junagadh authorities to lease out a sufficiently large area surrounding the temple for
development on the lines decided upon. The lines included the development of the town of
Prabhas, which had fallen into neglect, into an attractive sea-side resort; the leasing
out to the temple the areas necessary for developing it; the raising of the monument at
Dehotsarga-the place where Sri Krishna had left Ms body; setting up a seat of learning
which may develop into a University and a model agricultural and cattle farm on the lines
of our Institute of Agriculture, Anand. |