the eve of the transfer of power, the people of India were shocked to learn that the Nawab
of Junagadh I-ad acceded to Pakistan. A mighty wave of indignation surged not only over
the people of Junagadh, but of the whole of India. The Kathiawar Political Conference took
up the challenge. The people of Junagadh took the historical step of establishing a
parallel Government. The Arzi Hukumat or the
Provisional Government of Free Junagadh, with Samaldas Gandhi at the head, was announced
at a public meeting in Bombay. Munshi was in close touch with the situation and his advice
was eagerly sought by the leaders of Junagadh.
He drafted the Proclamation explaining how the Nawab had
forfeited his claim to the allegiance of his subjects an announced the Constitution
of a Provisional Government. Lord Mountbatten, the Governor-General and his advisers
considered it an "ably written" document.
The Provisional Government of Junagadh moved to Saurashtra
and took possession of the Junagadh House at Rajkot. Young men from all over Saurashtra
flocked to its banner of freedom. Money flowed in, volunteers were armed and trained. On
the Dussehra Day, the 'Day of Victory'- October 24, 1947-the volunteers of the Provisional
Government began their operations. People rose against the Nawab's rule. |