Demon, evil spirit.RAMA: The sixth incarnation of Lord Narayana as the son of
RAMANA MAHARSHI: The great sage at Tiruvannamalai, who passed away in 1950,
RAMANUJA: The great Vaishnavite saint.
RANGA VIMANAM: The sacred chariot created by Lord Vishnu and installed at Srirangam.
RATI: Consort of Manmatha.
RAVANA: The ten-headed king of Lanka, a demon killed by Sri Rama.
RISHABHAM: Holy bull; generally refers to Nandi.
RISHI: A seer.
RUDRA: Siva in His angry and fearful aspect.
RUDRAKSHAM: Spherical seeds made into garlands and worn by Saivites;
berries of Usocarpus Ganitrus sacred to Siva.
SABHA: An assembly or meeting.
SADHANA: Spiritual discipline, penance.
SAKTI: Energy; the female part of creation.
SANKARA: A great philosopher and exponent of Advaita, the school of Monism.
SANTANAGOPALA: Idol of Krishna as a baby, at Mannargudi.
SANTANAM: Progeny.
SANYASIN: Ascetic.
SARANGAPANI: Name of the deity at Kumbakonam temple.
SARASWATI: Goddess of learning, consort of Lord Brahma.
SASANA: Agreement.
SASTRA: Science; a scripture which lays down rules.
SAYUJYA MUKTI: Attainment of salvation in physical form.
SHIYALI: A taluq head-quarters in Tanjore District, birth place of Tirujnanasambandar.
SIFDDHI: Full attainment of spiritual realisation.
SISHYA: Disciple.
SLOKA: Verse in Sanskrit and the languages derived from it.
SRIRANGAM: 'Me town near Trichinopoly where there is the temple of Sri Ranganatha.
STHALAVRIKSHA: The sacred tree connected with the origin of a temple.
SUKLA PAKSHA: The period of four teen days between the new moon and full moon days.
SWAMI MALAI: A Saivite shrine in Tanjore District.
SWAYAMBHU: Self-created.
SWETAKETU: A saint at Vedaranyam.