TAI: Tamil
month approximating to 16th January-15th February.TANDAVA: Dance of Lord Siva.
TANTRA The science of religious rites.
TANTRIK: One who follows Tantra.
TAPOSRESHTHA: One who has attained mastery through Tapas.
TAYUMANAVAR: Name of Siva as manifest in the temple on the Rock Hill in Tiruchirapalli.
TIRUCHENDUR: The sea-shore temple of Lord Subrahmanya, in Tirunelveli District.
TIRUJNANA SAMBANDAR: One of the Saivite saints, born at Shiyali.
TIRUMANGAI ALWAR: One of the Alwars.
TIRUMULLAIVAYIL: A temple of Lord Siva near Madras.
TIRUTTANI: Hill temple of Lord Subrahmanya in blissful mood.
TIRU'VACHAKAM: Songs in praise of Lord Siva, composed by Manickavachakar.
TIRUVASI: Halo round the idol.
TRETA YUGA: The second of the Four Yugas.
TRIMURTI: The Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva.
TULASI: The basil plant (Oeymum).
TYAGARAJA: Name of Lord Siva at Tiruvarur.