of the Pandava Brothers to whom Lord Krishna delivered the Gita, the essence of all
religions.ARUMUGAM: Six-faced God, Subrahmanya.
ARUNACHALA: The mountain abode of Siva in the South known as Tiruvannamalai where Siva
is in the form of Jyoti.
ASEERVADAM: Benediction. A solemn invocation of blessing divine on men and things.
ASHTARHUJA: Eight-handed, Durga.
ASHTA DHATU: Eight minerals melted together for use in making idols, such as gold,
silver, copper, etc.
ASHTA SIDDHI: The eight attainments such as lightness, heaviness, in
visibility, etc., which are the results of success in yogas.
ASRAM: Hermitage, usually used for penance, sadhana and education.
ASTRAS Weapons held by God in different hands.
ASURAS: Demons, evil persons.
ATMAN: Soul, spark of Brahman in man.
ATRI: A great Sage.
AUM: Also spelt as 'OM'-sound symbolising the highest reality. It is chanted during
AVANI: Tamil month approximating to 16th August-15th September.
AVATARA: Incarnation.
AYODHYA: The name of the Principality in Northern India where Sri Rama was born, the
modern Uttar Pradesh.
AYUDHA : Weapon.