Name of Vinayaka at Tiruchirapalli.UGRAA/IURTI: Mood of anger.
URDHWATANDAVA: One of the dances of Lord Siva.
UTSAVA: Ceremonial, festive.
UTSAVAMURTI: Ceremonial deity taken in procession, to represent the original deity.
VADA: Logical arguments.
VAHANAM: Carrier; usually in the shape of Rishabha, Simha, etc, over
which the deity is placed and carried in procession.
VAIKASI: Tamil month approximating to l6th May-15th June.
VATKUNTHA: Abode of Maha Vishnu.
VAITHEESWARAN KOIL: A sacred Saivite temple near Shiyali in Tanjore District.
VAMANA: The fifth avatara of Lord Narayana as a dwarfish brahmin boy.
VARAHA: The third avatara of Lord Narayana as a boar.
VARNA: Colour; caste.
VASUDEVA: Lord Vishnu, the all-embracing; Krishna, son of Vasudeva.
VAYU: Air as an element.
VEDA: The generic name for the most ancient sacred literature of the
Hindus, consisting of the 4 collections (1) Rig-Veda (hyms to Gods), (2) Sama Veda
(Priests' chants), (3) Yajur Veda (Sacrificial formulae in prose), (4) Atharva Veda
(Magical chants).
VEL: Spear.
VILVAM: Aegle Marmelos, sacred to Siva.
VIMANAM: The small tower built over the sanctum sanctorum, richly
de-orated and often covered with gold plating.
VYASA: Compiler; arranger; the name of the celebrated mythical sage who
is regarded as the one who originally compiled and arranged the Vedas and other portions
of Hindu sacred literature. Also called Badarayana.
YAGA: Sacrifice.
YAMA: The Lord of Death.
YANTRA: Symbolic figures.
YOGA: Spiritual discipline.
YOGESWARA: The Lord of Yoga.
YOGA: One versed in Yoga.
YUGAS: The four ages of the world.