AZHAGAR KOIL: Vishnu temple at Azhagarkoil, 12 miles from Madura,
considered to be second most sacred temple of Vaishnavites.
AZHWARS: The Vaishnavite Saints numbering 12.
BALI: King Bali of the Netherworlds, whose pride was curbed by Lord Vishnu.
BANASURA: The demon by name Bana for whom Lord Siva worked as gate-keeper.
BHAGAVADGITA: Song of the divine one, Krishna; a celebrated philosophic epic inserted
in Mahabharata.
BHAIRAVA: Energy of Lord Siva created to desecrate the sacrifice conducted by King
BHAJANA: Congregatory mode of singing and uttering the name of God to glorify Him.
BHAKTA: A devotee of God.
BHAKTI : Devotion to God.
BHASHYA: Commentary; an explanatory work.
BHASMASURA: The demon who got blessings from Lord Siva that wherever he
put his palms would turn into ashes. Bhasma means ashes.
BHIKSHATANA: Gone around begging. Lord Siva went round as a mendicant for begging in
BHRIGU: Son of Brahma, a great saint.
BRAHMA: Name of one of the gods of Hindu Trinity.
BRAHMAN: The Absolute God; the very source of all creation,
BRIHADEESWARA: Brihat, the big Iswara, Lord Siva at Tanjore.
BUDDHISM: The teachings of Lord Buddha.
CHAKRA: The discus. The most powerful and the last weapon of Lord Vishnu for
CHAMPAKA: Sampige; reddish yellow flower of sweet scent.