in as much as hopes have proved dupes, his fears too may be liars. They may
falsify their appearances or belie their own talents. They could be overcome
easily. They could be bent, twisted, shaped, polished and renamed, if necessary.
Perseverance deals with them sternly. Fears, in fact challenge your mettle and
test your endurance and perseverance. If you stand firm like rock and throw
counterchallenge, they prostrate before you and melt at your sight even. So,
summon up your courage and be ready to fight those frightful fears. At your grim
determination, all your fears will fear at their hollowness and begin to crumble
down soon. Thus humbled, they invite you to the victory-stand and adore you with
garlands. Mind you, fearlessness is another name for manliness. Keep it up! And go
the inanimate Nature, the poet says teaches many invaluable lessons to this
point in question. The illustrations the poet. A.H. Clough cites are indeed
picturesque. And hence the images stick on to the your mental board more
permanently then the board itself. It enlightens and impresses with a single
shot. The waves,
says the poet, are incessantly dashing against the rocky soil, anti are beating
down with all their might to gain an Inca of land and to submerge it with its
saline water. I fey seem, as if they are bent upon extending their dominion over
the rocks by melting or powdering them at any cost. But the break proof bard
rock offers stubborn resistance, and withstands their onslaughts with matchless
firmness that makes the waves bend down for a while, recognizing the superior
might of the solid, unchangeable and unshakable rock. Would the waves withdraw
their operations once for all dispirited,. frustrated and beaten down? No! They
never make a retreat or cease their efforts. They know and have well-digested
the truth of the dictum - 'try and try again, you will succeed at last'.
So they move on and on, and beat again and again to gain a fraction of an inch
at least else where.