It then looks bathed in pure, white glittering light and
flutters with a thrill as that of a bride when her heart's choicest man sails
into her ken. As. the soft, warm hand of the sun touches the floating, shapeless
cotton pieces that the clouds are, the ugly, dreadful blackness that resigned
supreme keeping the whole world in thralldom falls head-long and vanishes
without leaving any trace.
Such is the out come of the constant, steady, and unending struggle, fed upon
perseverance, the respectable, daughter of the 'faith'. Mind you, 'faith' though
begets and brings up 'perseverance', it depends upon it for subsistence and
healthy growth. As the baby grows stronger and able, the mother throws its full
weight upon it and feels confident of reaching the goal.
it sinful for the mother to draw sustenance on its off- spring? Is not the
off-spring justified in supporting its mother? Since, it is suckled, nursed, and
protected by the mother, it is imperative that it should lend its hand to the
mother, when her sun goes asserting.
Self-confidence and perseverance are the precious gems that adorn the owner and
bring him undying fame in both the worlds.