Mighty Atoms For Tiny Tots
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Temples Of India


They never hesitate to prolong their operations for centuries, or till they could obtain the fruit they desire for. They know that "standing at the feet, one should not gaze at the sky to reach the top, but must start climbing, for the slightest attempt brings in its awake a proportionate result which certainly grows higher than the Himalayas in the long run". If the waves fail in converting the stone into land at that point, elsewhere they penetrate by their sheer unending repetitions. Into creeks they enter and establish their sway there permanently. Moreover, they hope to gain more. There is no failure for perseverance, nor there is dishonor to the labour put in. Every pain has a gain . When the labour wins, glory comes galloping. So, march forward with perseverance as your handmaid.

The poet goes with another yet - When such ceaseless series of sincere well-directed efforts start functioning undaunted, victories come to them from all quarters. They come not in singles, but in battalions. Their velocity and copiousness are such that they stun and suffocate the recipient at once. They paralyze his senses by their multiplicity in infinite variety. Such victories makes one's life enviable and pave the way of for prosperous and praise-worthy career. The morning light floods the whole universe, though it illumines. the eastern direction first. When the morning Sun peeps like a bride at the groom, only that part is lighted; but in a few seconds all the directions, why the whole world gets illumined.


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