In a
village called Chandragutti in Karnataka males and females too go in procession
through the streets and round the temple minus dress but covering all over the
bodies with neem leaves strung fashioned into garlands. Carrying on head or
hands Fire pots adding oil and twigs contranuously throughout the procession is
a very common feature in Tamil Nadu and is neighbouring states. As the arc of
human enguinity has not become circle many gruesome traditions likely be added
to the list. Ironical it appears, votaries standing the physical torture await
their recurrence and jubilantly participate undergoing the most agonizing mortal
suffering. Exhibition of such devotion purifies bodies, elevates minds and
emancipates them with out any trace of doubt or distraught. This is India ness pure and untainted in state. Science cannot stop, nor authority bars its
continuation. And they proclaim, it is divine injunction to be implemented with
tacit assent rather than questioned or abrogated. Their steadfast belief is
giving them infinite relief. Age changes not nor 'progress stops not, aren't
these pure children of the soil stand better than the tremendously advanced
atheists dangling in the air deprived of further assent or denied of earthly
base? It is the fate of skepticism.