due deference, it is to he emphasized that the rural folk were free from this.
Hence continued their mode of adoration in the manner they were accustomed to
and style suiting their untainted wisdom. Their strength lay in their simplicity
and that gave an uninterrupted lease of life to the beliefs and tastes. And lo!
it stood firm against the adverse forces. It is all due to their credulousness
sprouting from the implicit faith in the omnipotence of the the highest God. Not
only they consciously recognised it but unashamedly carried on with boundless
zeal. Unfortunately some crooks entering the field introduced certain nauseating
practices to boost their image. In course of time they got solidified as it
were, and tarred the fair and sweet face of theism. Drawing the small cart for
miles with an iron chain hooked into fleche of the back, going round the
temple dangling by a device, walking on burning charcoal, besides the awful
practice offering live beasts and birds. This awe-some practice did not confine
itself to far off villages, but encircled the urban areas claiming votaries from
same and literate public.