The demon kings however mighty they were, requisitioned
the services of the highest who willingly accepted the office of sentinel to
them. Sri Maha Vishnu after thrusting Bala Chakravarthi to nether world assured
him of his eternal vigil stationed at the Mahadwar of Patala. The emperor was
pleased and the Lord kept up his world. Did not Maheswar act as Nagarapalaka to
Banasura? Instances are numerous and they fortify the belief that these devotes
were held in high esteem and discharged their deities in an exemplary way.
tradition was honoured by godmen-maharshis and pravaktas during the installation
of the adorable deities in temples built by royalty at their behest. The office
of Kshetrapal in every ancient temple drives home this fact. The highest Trio
themselves volunteered their services in some places. The Kshetrapal office is
not monopolised by males, but females too joined the ranks as exemplified by
acting as Kshetrapalaki in the Lord Triviknamaswami Temple at Tirukkoil, Tamil