This recognition of superior might
and its sure protection gave with to theism. Not in the supremely evolved form
as it is to day. However religion was baptised when his awareness matured, idolatry
took definite shape. Does
not premature man's worshipping of the icons of serpents trees etc., testify
thus. It is endorsed by research. By degrees innumerable creeds and cults,
styles and fancies appeared on the seen. With the flowering of intellect,
ritualistic worship began. Just at this happy juncture, there emerged craze for
erection of places of worship. This assumed enormous proportions, when the
ruling princes and rich philanthropists took up the cause. Gigantic structures
occupying millions of square feet of land adorned with superb sculptural
embellishments filled the land and feasted the eyes. Divine pravaktas introduced
then systematized traditions for conducting prayer services and to appeasing the
worshipful deities for benedictions, aiming at universal welfare and harmonious living.
places of worship served the community in multifarious ways. They were the seats
of judiciary and cultural activities, finally turned out the citadels of culture
and cradles of civilization.