They successfully knit mankind to gather and
justify the name that temples are the centers of national integration and
confluences of races. Then society thrived, peace reigned, progress progssressed
and theism enjoyed its heyday. Alas! this is not without hurdles; it was
constrained to meet challenges. Perverted minds and jaundiced eyes in all their
forms and brands barred its progress with their half baked theories and arid
arguments, sprouting from obnoxious bias and putrid self.
Conceited dogmatism and aggressive sectariansm assumed horrible forms. And they
held their sway and danced like Nero on the burning towers and toppled abodes.
In certain places they enjoyed royal patronage. Needless to add the atmosphere
was polluted and environs contaminated for some time. Could they ever succeed in
annihilation of the impregnable and impenetrable all adorable theism? Would
deism go out of existence? Answer! negative in capital letters.