With his grace infinite alone your hands were adorned hitherto with my
publications. Finally Srikanteswara my house hold deity under whose apara
karunadradrishti my physical and intellectual wealth have been prssogressing
uninterrupted even now standing on the threshold of seventies. Angapradakshana-rolling
round these most worshipful deities times umpteen culminates the recognition of
my debt, but never signifies redemption full. Offering it now to them, I
proceed to the visible agencies that contributed their might to the
completion of this project. First comes-authors to receive my obeisance, for it
is their scholarship alone inspired me to enter the field. Although very few books slackened my thirst, I have to thank them now. With the scraps of
information given by priests and sthalagnas, when met in their places also to be
remembered now.
more word! About the composition now. The readers of this book do come across
certain passages or parts there of reproduced from the earlier books. Why some
discerning readers can easily spot them out as they proceed.