Sure, some are
lifted bodily and incorporated into this as and when they suited the context.
Hear me the reasons. First and foremost amongst them is-it reduced my labour and
hastened the Priting progress. Moreover, it removed monotony to a great extent.
Let me illustrate- the cause of the emergence of Sakti-Peethas is one and the
same for all-Daksha's wanton insolence and unbearable impudence culminating in
Mother Sati's burning her self in Yogagni, followed by Paramasiva's
thridavanritya and the work of Mahavishnu's sudarsan that saved the worlds. On
subsidence of anger, Lord Maheswar bade every spot sanctified by the falling of
Mother's bodily part to be converted into a Sakti-Peetha. This applies to all
the Ashtadasapeethas inclusive of upapeethas. If I were to narrate the entry
episode for each, not only it becomes redundant but taxes the patience of the
reader. Hence my resorting to cutting short a major portion and supplying the
salient features. This was done deliberately. Furthermore, space is gained,
which I put them to giving some additional information under the caption-'Birds
Eve, view of some shrines superb'. I think my approach pleases all. And for many
other temples of any series, I transferred matter from the earlier write ups on
the same topic.