Only mouth to mouth communication went
on, why, is still going on in respect of temples, despite printing technology
progressed to such an alarming extent of exceeding that of the Everest in al
titude, to speak the truth. When approached with all sincerity for the
knowledge of origin of some temples, or time of demonstration the sports of the
deities installed therein, the priests enjoying access into the innermost parts
and supposed to be experts in their profession revealed blank faces, and many
confessed unpardonable ignorance. In some cases, the sthalagnas - locals having
gathered some sort of information from their grand sires relate fantastic tales,
which they too feel them incredible, but narrate with joyous faces with voluble
tongues. Probing a little deep into them, I gathered a few outlines and incorporated
them in the case of some temples, lying in the remote corners. No
doubt some temple authorities have brought out brochures and booklets eulogising
the glory of their temples, but they are not adequate. To be precise, not
authentic to many points.
good old learned priests, no doubt pass on information name sake, but when referred
to the records preserved in archives for correctness, deep sighs go up into
high skies.