that All benevolent deny, disown or disinherit him? Certainly not.
The boy went to him. Started talking, but no reply. Then he
threatened the Bhimeswar to curse, if he would not reveal himself to
him; the Kind Lord at once stood before him and said that he would
become a cursing poet-Thittukavi, whose words turn into instant
facts sooner than falling out of lips. The boy was delightened; but
greater was delight of his mother, nay the greatest was that of Lord
Bhimeswar's; for when the boy "uttered," let the rice turn
into calcium and appalas into frogs, when insulted by his men during
a Samaradhana; there was jumping of frogs and heaps of chunnam in
the leaves in the place of rice i.e., his words were proved. Curse
ran its course. His greatness was at once recognised and rewarded.
He was held in great reverence henceforth. He grew up into an
illustrious luminary among the poets at whose-feet the diamond
decked crowns knelt, and were ready to fulfill anything he demanded.
He made princes into paupers and vice versa. He led a memorable life
and left meritorious verses, meriting to be inscribed in letters of
gold. All but due to this Bhimeswar's matchless mercifulness. Now
let us to enter into the shrine and feast our eyes with his
Mahonnatha lingaswarupa in the sanctum.