The Aalayas of Andhra Pradesh
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Sati, his consort and the pet daughter of Daksha, seeing the gods attending the yaga with great jubilation, pleaded with her lord co attend it; but Lord Siva vehemently turned it down on the plea that her father willfully neglected him in not sending the invitation. A deliberate malevolent act! Inexcusable on any count!! By anyone for that matter!!! Sati persisted, but Siva remained firm like rock. Much against her Lord's displeasure, Sati went presuming that her father would relent on seeing her, or hearing her word. But the ego-centred Dhaksha rose like fire resembling to that of the tongues of fire on pouring ghee, and insulted her in the most vituperative language -"Siva a beggar, a sentinel at the burial ground, uncouth mountain-dweller", unbecoming on the part of person of his position; unworthy of a treatment ever meted out by a father to daughter, and undeserving to the status of a high dignitary holding an august office among the Trimurthis.

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About Draksharamam
Tarakasura Episode..Pg1
Tarakasura Episode..Pg2
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Tarakasura Episode..Pg4
Tarakasura Episode..Pg5
Tarakasura Episode..Pg6
Tarakasura Episode..Pg7
Tarakasura Episode..Pg8
Tarakasura Episode..Pg9
Bhimakavi Episode..Pg1
Bhimakavi Episode..Pg2
Bhimakavi Episode..Pg3
The Temple