Sthalapurana grows eloquent over this Aswartha and Pippala episode
and cites evidence in the form of deities worshipped in the temple
now. According to the legend, there lived in this region two
dreadful demons-Aswartha and Pippala in the dim past. They were the favorite
sons of Kaitabha, notorious for ruthlessness. The two developed
taste for human flesh and turned cannibals, first and last. In order
to appease their irresistible fancy for flesh, they resorted to an
obnoxious method of killing humans in an odd way. The elder assuming
the form of Aswartha tree was swallowing the devout bhaktas who
visit to circumambulating it and offering prayers; for according to
the scriptures it is the best among the trees and the Lord abides in
it. The brahmin community who invariably worship regularly fell
victim to the evil design of the elder. The younger adapted, yet
another wicked practice. He was posing as, a preceptor and eating
away the brahmins who sought and accepted him as preceptor. In
course of time, the Brahmin community dwindled.