- Madhya Jagannatha Temple
as one of the three sacred kshetras of Lord Jagannatha, this holy place was
given birth to a great Alwar, who augmented the cause of Vaishnavism and perched
it at a most covetable place. The legend of this kshetra is packed with awe-some
episodes starting with the highest merit and worth accorded to it by Viswakar ma
at the behest of Brahma, at the entreaty by four celebrated Maharshis - Atri,
Brighu, Bhargava and Markandeya, when they did penance elsewhere for the darsan
of Mahavishnu, he gave only a partial darsan, bidding them to, go to this place
of super eminence for his full darsan. They obeyed. He then manifested himself
at three places - Uttara Jagannatha kshetra called Puri, Madhya Jagannatha
kshetra going by the name of Timmazhisai and Dakshina Jagannatha kshetra popular
as Tirupallani near Rameswaram.
with such glorious background, this temple located in the centre of a little
town. The finish and polish of the icon together with gorgeous decoration feasts
the eyes of the viewers and lifts them by raining boons on the deserving
devotees justifying his name - Varadaraja - King granter of boons.
worship offered with great devotional zeal and the periodical festivals
celebrated with pomp and splendour due.
It lies in Tirumazhisai town lying on Madras -- Kancheepuram