God in Creation
9. First let us learn to see God in serene and holy human forms. In
the same way let us see Him first in the sublime and beautiful aspects
of nature.
10. Look at the dawn, the divine glow that precedes sunrise. The
rishis that sing the glories of this goddess, dance with joy. Beautiful
words spring from their hearts : "Oh Usha! You are the divine messenger sent to us by
the Lord. You are bathed in dew drops. You are the banner of immortality." The
Vedic rishi says, "You, bring us the message of the Lord, If, even after
seeing you, I do not see and understand Him, who else can make Him known to me?" Clothed
in such beauty, Usha rises and dances before us, but we have no eyes for her.
11. Again, look at the Sun. To see him is to see God. What vivid
pictures he paints upon the sky! For months the painter moves his brush
up and down the canvas, trying to paint the sunrise with a splash of
colors. But rise early in the morning and look at God's art. With what can
we compare this art divine, this boundless beauty? But who looks
at this? While out there the Lord stands in all his loveliness, here the
fellow draws his blanket closer and snores.