An easy way to learn to see God
5. The methods we employ to teach children how to read, these same methods this Chapter
employs to teach us to see God everywhere. We teach children the alphabet in two different ways. One
method is to introduce the letters by writing them big and after they have
learnt to recognize them, to reduce their size. It is the same 'A' and the
same 'B'; only the letters were big then and are small now. This is one
method. The other method is to teach the easy letters first and the complicated ones later. In just
these ways we should learn to see God. First, we should see His presence clearly in the big things.
The Lord manifest in mighty natural objects like the sea
and the mountain catches our eyes at once. Once we have learnt to recognize
the Supreme in these vast manifestations, once we have seen these mighty forms of God, we
shall recognize that every drop of water and every grain of sand is filled with the same God. There is
no difference in meaning between the capital 'A' and the small 'a' -
between the gross and the subtle. This is one way. In the second method we recognize the
supreme forms that are directly and easily seen, and then go on to more
complicated forms. When the Lord is present in a natural way in person, we recognize Him easily.