6. This vast creation is the Lord's
Book. Because a thick veil covers our eyes it looks as though the book is
closed. In this Book of Creation, the Lord is written down everywhere in beautiful letters. But
we do not understand it. There is a big obstacle to our seeing the Lord.
That is, man does not recognize the Lord in the ordinary simple forms
that are near him; the distant dazzling forms are too overpowering. If you tell him, "See
the Lord in your mother," he would say, "Is the Lord so simple and innocent?"
But if the Supreme Lord appears in all His splendor, can you
endure the sight? Kunti wished to see the distant sun face to face, near and direct;
but as he approached she could not bear the heat. If the Lord comes and stands
before us in the fullness of His power, we cannot stand it; if He comes in the gentle homely form of
one's mother, He fails to command our respect. Rich sweets are indigestible; plain milk is
There are symptoms of misfortune and death. It
is this sick mind that stands as an obstacle to our seeing the Lord. It
is essential to get rid of this state of mind. First let us read the Lord that
is near, concrete, easy; and then go on to the subtle and the complicated forms.