In this one truth is
concentrated, all arts and skill, all karma and vikarma, all practices, all methods of action
lie hidden in the yoga of dedication. This practice of dedication is
raja-yoga; all practices find fulfillment here. This comprehensive and all-powerful
sadhana of dedication may seem easy and commonplace, but it is in reality hard. The
sadhana is easy because anyone, from a rustic to a scholar, can perform it without
much effort each in his own house and station. But easy though it is, it
requires extra-ordinary merit to pursue it.
"Through much practice in virtue
I have come to love Vitthal."
It is only when the merits of many births accumulate that our hearts
are drawn towards God. The most trivial things bring tears to our eyes,
but not the name of God. What is to be done? In one sense, as the saints say,
this sadhana is easy. But in another sense, it is also difficult, and it has become all the more
difficult in modern times.