Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
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Discourses On Gita
Where was he hiding before? What heat, what light! The first sounds of the Veda emerged in the worship of Agni - 

"agnimiile purohitam yajnasya devam ritvijam hotaaram ratnaphaatamam." 

Look at the fire in whose worship  the Vedas begin. When I see its flames, I am reminded of the excitement and agitation of our human souls. Whether it be the domestic or the forest fire, its flames are never steady. The man of detachment has no home. Wherever those flames are found, they set off excitement. They are ever in a state of agitation. They yearn to rise high. Scientists would say that they flicker because of ether, or because of the pressure of the wind. But so far as I see in the fire its eagerness to join the Supreme Being up there, the ocean of light, Surya-narayana, and hence its restless, perpetual upward movement. 

From birth to death without a pause, it leaps and runs. The sun is the whole of which the flames are parts. The part yearns to rejoin the whole; it is only with extinction that the excitement ends, not before. It never considers how far away from the sun it is. All it knows is how to rise above the earth to its utmost capacity. In this mere fire, is it not vairagya, freedom from attachment, shining as fire? That is why the first sound of the Veda is "agnimiile."


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