Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
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Discourses On Gita
The noble courage, the fearless beauty of his expression! The regal gait and mien! His flowing mane is the chamara, the royal insignia, provided by nature for the King of the forest. In a garden in Baroda there was a lion. He was not free, he went round in a cage. But there was not a trace of cruelty in his eyes. There was compassion in his expression and his look.  It looked as though he had thought for the world and was absorbed in his own meditation. 

In fact, the lion is a holy manifestation of the Lord. I read when I was a child, the story of "Androcles and the Lion". What a wonderful story! The famished lion remembering Androcle's kindness, becomes his friend and licks his feet. What does it mean? Androcles had seen in the lion the Lord Himself. There is always a lion near the Lord Shiva. The lion is a creature of divine glory. 

18. And is the tiger inferior? The power of the Lord shines through him. It is not impossible to make friends with him. Bhagavan Panini, seated in the forest, was instructing his pupils. Just then a tiger came along. The boys got frightened and shouted, "Tiger, Tiger!" Panini said calmly, "Well, what does 'vyaaghra' (tiger) mean? Vyaajighrati itivyaaghrah." That is a vyaaghra whose sense of smell is acute.  


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