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Why Hindu Rashtra?


Unity of Cultural Consciousness

On seeing the bewildering multitude of languages, creeds, living styles, etc., there are some who exclaim that there are ever so many nationalities in Bharat. But any one with a discerning eye can observe that in spite of the diversity of languages, their basic inspiration is the same; in spite of diversity of faiths, their goal and the virtues they uphold are the same.

The vision of Bharat as one single entity from the Himalayas to Kanyakumari has sunk deep into our national consciousness as a living reality since thousands of years. Our saints and preachers, our heroes and preceptors have kept the flame of this unifying cultural consciousness aglow through a number of devices like literature, pilgrimages, festivals and fairs and religious preaching. The light might have been, at times, intense or dim, but it never went out. In spite of the divisive politics raging today, we have seen its spontaneous manifestation during such critical moments as Chinese and Pakistani invasions. Verily, this unifying cultural consciousness is the life-breath of our nation.

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About Why Hindu Rashtra?
What Does 'Hindu' Connote?
Hindu- National Of Bharat
Mis- understanding Persists
What is Nation ?
How Nation Evolves
What Constitutes "Nationalism"
Force Of National Sentiments
Hindu Sastra - Eternal & Perennial
Why The Term "Hindu"
Salient Features Of Hindu Rashtra
How Other Nations Behaved
A Revealing Contrast
State And Nation - Different Entities
Unity Of Cultural Consciousness
Secular Tradition : Trait Of Hindu Rashtra
The Goal, the Call