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Why Hindu Rashtra?


Secular Tradition : Trait of Hindu Rashtra

From the above exposition, it becomes clear that the nation does not change with a mere change in the set-up and that the form of state is best which is in tune with its national will. The state set-up can be autocratic, democratic, theocratic, secular, etc. In Bharat, in keeping with the genius of Hindu Rashtra, only that state set-up would be best which is democratic and secular. In ancient times also, whatever the form of the state, monarchy or republic, secularism remained its unfailing feature. Fevouring of one creed or its propagation at state expense had been totally contrary to the principles of Hindu polity.

The history of the Hindu kingdoms in Bharat affords a glowing testimony to this secular tradition. Muslims enjoyed full religious liberty and equality in the Hindu state of Vijaynagar and the Sikh state in Punjab. In the Hindu kingdom of Chhatrapati Shivaji also, there was absolutely no discrimination against the Muslims. Even fanatic Muslims historians have praised Shivaji's deep respect for the Holy Koran, Muslim mosques, monasteries and women. He had taken special care to protect their children and old men. And all this at a time when the Muslim kings were treating their Hindu subjects in a most oppressive and tyrannical manner.

Theocratic state means a state run by religious heads in accordance with their religious commands. The Hindu state has never been theocratic, there being never any institution like the Pope of Rome or the Caliph in Turkey. Therefore, to assert that the Hindu Rashtra, whose glory lies in its liberal values of life, as anti secular is only to betray one's gross ignorance. Not to speak of being opposed to the secular concept, the Hindu Rashtra can, in fact, light the torch for the nations that are now groping towards greater inter-state cooperation to fulfil their material needs in a world of shrinking distances and cut-throat economic and techno scientific competition. If the UNO of today is the forerunner of the World Government of tomorrow and if diversity is not to be steam-rolled into a dead unformily and if each nation is to be assured of freedom to play its respective role with honour, then what greater philosophic basis can be there worthy of emulation than that of Hindu Rashtra?


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About Why Hindu Rashtra?
What Does 'Hindu' Connote?
Hindu- National Of Bharat
Mis- understanding Persists
What is Nation ?
How Nation Evolves
What Constitutes "Nationalism"
Force Of National Sentiments
Hindu Sastra - Eternal & Perennial
Why The Term "Hindu"
Salient Features Of Hindu Rashtra
How Other Nations Behaved
A Revealing Contrast
State And Nation - Different Entities
Unity Of Cultural Consciousness
Secular Tradition : Trait Of Hindu Rashtra
The Goal, the Call