Among the other literary works of the time of Kautilya, which throw light
on this important change in society, the works of Bhasa can be mentioned. But his dramas
mainly give us pictures of royal families.
The word he uses is Raja Kula; and there is a vivid description of it in
his play called Avimaraka, as being guarded by high walls.
In the second Act the nurse of the Princess meets Avimaraka and, having
proposed his Marriage to the Princess, asks him to get into the apartment of the Princess
stealthily : she says :
This very day you must make your was into the princess's Palace.
The honorable Bhutika, the Minister in-charge of tile Princesss quarters, has gone
out, with the ambassador of Benares, with all honors for our king.
Avimaraka, accordingly enters the Rajakula at night, disguised as, a
burglar. He first passes through the streets, and comes to the high walls of the Rajakula.