The commentators, to justify the changes, in the
secular law, had to revert to, the old ones and reconcile there
arguments with the spirit of the old texts. It is these texts that
show the true spirit of Hindu Law. These codes, in some aspects, have
been so catholic and humanitarian that the laws found cover the entire
gamut of human needs. Eleven types of marriages are admitted as legal;
in sanctioning them no type of love is lost sight of, but it must be
solemnized by sacrament. The rites and ceremonies concerning them show
that they are clearly meant for adults.
Thirteen types of children are admitted into society, wiping out the word
' illegitimacy' from the fold of society: these are (1) the son of a legitimate wife. (2)
the son of a man by another's wife; (3) the adopted son; (4) one whom a man makes his son
; (5) son born secretly ; (6) son cast off by parents and taken as a child by another; (7)
son of a maiden ; (8) son of a pregnant bride (9) son bought with money ; (10) son of a
twice-married woman ; (11) one who gives himself to a stranger as son when abandoned by
parents ; (I2 ) son of a Sudra woman married to a Brahmana; (13) on born of lust. Even
the commentaries and digests mention these.
Both Anglo and Pratiloma marriages are permitted. Even
inter-racial marriages are not, banned but welcomed. All the earlier codes sanction in
clear terms that a man of a higher caste can marry a woman of the lower caste; and Gautama
and Vasishtha sanction also the reverse. " Children born in the regular order of
wives of the next, second or third lower castes, become Savaras, Ambhashtas, Ugras,
Nishadas, Daushyantas or Parasavas and children born in the inverted order of wives of
higher caste become Sutas, Magadha, Ayognas, Kshattris, Vaidehakas or Chandalas". We
have epigraphically evidence on all the three types of Anuloma, Pratiloma and inter-racial
marriages. Inscriptional Evidence of Anuloma marriages.