Awaken Bharata
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Books By David Frawley
This is also to be expected because the Brahmins represent the spiritual and religious view that is antagonistic to their materialistic ideology, and represent the class system that they feel is obstructing their way to a classless society (which they have never achieved anywhere, we might add). Communists in India vilify the Brahmins like those in Europe did the bourgeoisie, even though these two classes have little in common. 

Communists have portrayed the Brahmins as rich landowners and the untouchables as their servants, like the Russian nobility and their peasant serfs, while the Brahmins are really among the poorer classes of the country. This communist vision of the cruel Brahmins is a distortion, to say the least. To the extent that corrupt Brahmins have existed, which has been highly exaggerated, they were guilty of not following the Dharma of their class. It was not their Brahminism that was the problem but their assumption of non-Brahminical activities. 

To blame the so-called caste systems for such deviations from it is indeed ironic. If such cruel Brahmins did exist they were not true Brahmins at all. Yet we are led to believe that the typical Brahmin class was an institution for worldly power that only used the appearance of spirituality to dominate others for worldly gain.Like communism in other countries Indian socialism has not succeeded in raising the masses but only in creating a stifling  bureaucracy, and skillful political exploiters who rule by the communalism of vote-banks, stoked by anti-Brahmin sentiments. Such bureaucratic leaders are the real corrupt ruling elite that should be removed from power.

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About The New Communalism
Introduction Pg1
Introduction Pg2
Introduction Pg3
Traditional Role..Pg1
Traditional Role..Pg2
Traditional Role..Pg3
Traditional Role..Pg4
Traditional Role..Pg5
Traditional Role..Pg6
The Mistakes..Pg1
The Mistakes..Pg2
For the Future Pg1
For the Future Pg2