Anti-Brahmin attitudes among Hindus reflect those from Western
sources. The Western mind appears to be against Brahminism for two
main reasons. The first is its dislike of priests, owing to the
harsh rule of priests in medieval Europe with their crusades and
inquisitions. Western anti-priestly sentiments have been transferred
against the Brahmins of India. However, Brahmins are not priests in
the Catholic sense.
Hindus have no one church, no Vatican or pope, and no eternal
heaven or hell. Brahmins administer various sacraments like those
for birth, the growth of children, marriage and death. But they do
not give confession. They cannot intercede with God. They cannot
save anybody. They cannot absolve our sins. Unlike mullahs they
cannot issue fatwas.
The Brahmins of India have never had the power of the churches in
the West or that of the mullahs of Islam. They have not created
inquisitions, holy wars, missionary activities, or aided in the
conquest and colonization of other countries. They have never had a
centralized authority but have existed only in various local groups,
sometimes with little more than family affiliations.