At the same time Brahmin temple priests in India today
are among the poorest of the poor, comparable only with untouchables
in what they earn. To condemn
Brahmins as the Indian equivalent of the Western higher classes is
very misleading. They have been higher only in education, which is
cultivated in Brahmanical families. In this regard the hatred of the
Brahmins in India resembles hatred of the Jews in Europe.
The Jews like the Brahmins are more
educated and higher achievers than other groups and therefore
jealousy arises against them, though the Brahmins never achieved an
economic power like the Jews. A
number of leaders of modern India, like Nehru and his family, were
of Brahmin ancestry. This has caused some to perceive a Brahmin
dominance of modern India. But these figures were only nominal
In fact the rule of the Nehru family
implemented anti-Brahmin policies, and no one in the Nehru dynasty
was a practicing Brahmin. We should remember that Karl Marx was a
Jew but this does not make communism pro-Jewish. In fact such
anti-Brahmin Brahmins are often the most vociferous anti-Brahmins
because they are trying to deny their own heritage. |