We should not confuse statements of religious tolerance with
states of the unity of religions. There are many Christians and some
Muslims who are tolerant of other religions, including Hinduism, and
believe in the freedom of religion. They may say that there is value
in all religions and that all religions should be respected.
However, this does not mean that such people accept the main
tenets of Hinduism or that they don't believe in the ultimate
supremacy of their own particular faith. Ask such liberal Christians
and Muslims if they accept the teachers, philosophies and deities of
Hinduism as equal to their own. Ask them if they will put up a
picture of Krishna or Shiva in their house and offer prayers to it.
You will find that, with few exceptions, they still believe in
the unique revelation of Jesus or Mohammed, though they are willing
to accept that other people may see things differently. Such
tolerance is not unity, though it is more open-minded and a step in
the right direction.