Awaken Bharata
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Books By David Frawley
Until these samskaras change these religions cannot change. But generally once the character of a person or a religion is built up, it remains fixed for the rest of its life or existence. Such samskaras can be very difficult, if not impossible, to fundamentally alter, just as a tree whose trunk has grown up in a certain way, cannot be made to grow in a different direction.

To really change old samskaras a new birth or new creation is usually required. In this regard it is unlikely that the West will advance beyond its aggressive/exclusive type of monotheism unless adapts a religion of a different nature or creates a new one. Hindus who think that they can use yogic teachings to reform Western religions into something more spiritual, without having people give up the religion altogether, may be sadly mistaken, and certainly have not made much headway in this regard even in India, where they are the majority religion.

If we observe religion all over the world, it is easy to see that most religious movements in modern times have not been spiritual or yogic in nature. They have mainly been social, political, belief-oriented ideologies aiming not at the spiritual quest but at converting or conquering the world. Such are the Evangelical movement in American Christianity and the Saudi form of Islam, the Wahabi sect, which are the most active and growing forms of these religions.

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About The Danger Of Hindus ...
Introduction Pg1
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Introduction Pg4
Introduction Pg5
Introduction Pg6
The Samskaras...Pg1
The Samskaras...Pg2
The Samskaras...Pg3
Unity of Religions...Pg1
Unity of Religions...Pg2
Unity of Religions...Pg3
Unity of Religions...Pg4
Unity of Religions...Pg5