Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


Why Should One Repeat Mantras?

Sound makes up the mind. It determines the field in which we think, feel and perceive. You can observe this for yourself. Note the kinds of sounds you repeat and take in during the day and see how these effect you. A harmonious sound pattern in the mind facilitates a deeper awareness. A disturbed sound pattern in the mind prevents the mind from going deeper.

Mantras are spiritually energized sound patterns designed to link us up to the Divine Word or cosmic creative vibration. They help purify and silence the mind to allow for deep meditation. Mantras, which are usually also Divine Names, set up a different kind of energy in the mind, an intentional energization of the mind toward spiritual practice and realization.

Mantras are simple and easy to do as they only require that we recite a word audibly or mentally. Mantras can be done anywhere or anytime as they do not depend upon any external substances. Mantra is thereby the most practical tool of the spiritual life. All of us should do regular mantras to connect with the Divine. Then we will no longer have to struggle to meditate. Mantra should become the ground of our minds, then nothing that comes from the realm of the senses can imbalance us.


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