Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


What is the Role of Astrology?

Astrology is the most important of the occult sciences because it shows how the subtle forces of the universe affect us throughout our lives, both individual and collective. Any universal spiritual tradition requires a sound system of astrology for a complete understanding of the workings of universe.

Vedic or Hindu astrology (Jyotish) is such a well-developed system of astrology imbued with the wisdom of innumerable sages and self-realized yogis. It is a complete science with many layers, reflecting the profound harmony of the universe. It can help us understand the pattern of our health, career, relationships and the development of our spiritual life. It provides the keys to the movement of our life on all levels.

Such a science of astrology should not be confused with crude fortune telling, however. It is not a matter of wishful thinking but of a profound study of how the stars and planets affect us, not only outwardly but inwardly. The true astrologer is the ultimate psychologist and sociologist who can help us build the foundation for the spiritual life. He or she unfolds the hidden pattern and meaning behind our lives so that we can take the appropriate action at the appropriate time and thereby fully use our soul's potential in this incarnation.


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