Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


What is the Place of Ayurvedic Medicine?

Health is the foundation of all that we do. Without adequate health we will not have the energy to pursue any of the goals of life. Yet true health is not merely physical strength and stamina but purity of body and mind, which is necessary for spiritual practice. As a spiritual form of healing Ayurveda directs us to Self-understanding as the ultimate means of health and harmony. It does not stop short with feeling good physically but shows us how to use the healthy body to pursue a higher life.

Ayurveda is the medical part of the universal tradition of Sanatana Dharma. It shows us how the great forces of Nature work to sustain our body-mind functioning and how they can be consciously used to maintain the harmony and health of our entire being. It promotes health through the use of diet, herbs, specially prepared mineral formulations, and profound therapies of detoxification and rejuvenation, along with recommending a life-style based upon the ascertainment of our particular psycho-physical constitution according to the balance of the elements within us.

Ayurveda is the medicine of Nature, the medicine of life, which brings to us the healing forces of this great universe. Until we adapt the healing forces of Nature into society our planet must remain in crisis and our medical systems as much a curse as a blessing.

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