Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


Why is Meditation Important?

Meditation appears to be a useless act. It doesn't produce anything tangible, or help anyone in any visible way. To understand its importance we must understand the nature and role of the mind. The mind is our instrument for perceiving truth.

It is like the mirror in a reflector telescope. If that mirror is tarnished or if its surface is uneven, we cannot perceive things correctly. If that mirror is clear and even then we can perceive things as they are, which is to see the Divine presence in all.

Meditation is important because it purifies the mind to allow us to perceive the Truth. Once we know the Truth we can act in harmony with it. The very knowledge of Truth is the greatest of all powers. Hence meditation is the greatest action that we can become involved in. It can gain all the worlds and all time.


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