Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


What is Vedanta?

Vedanta is the portion of the Vedas or the scriptures of Hinduism that deals with the ultimate truth of Self-realization, which is the true goal of life. It teaches the great truth that the Self is God, that our inner being is one with the supreme reality. There are several schools of Vedanta but all seek realization of God or Truth.

Vedantic schools discuss the nature of the Absolute (Brahman), the Creator (God), the soul (Atman) and Nature, as well as the nature of karma, rebirth, bondage and liberation. Vedanta contains philosophy, theology and various yogic approaches. It is a vast treasure house of wisdom which explains all the mysteries of life and comprehends all worlds and all states of consciousness.

Yoga is the practical side of Vedanta. Without yogic practices Vedanta remains a mere theory. Without Vedantic knowledge yogic practices remain superficial. Vedanta is the real essence of Hinduism and Yoga is its practice. The great teachings of Yoga-Vedanta are the core of Sanatana Dharma or the Eternal Tradition and should be spread all over the world.


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