Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


What is the Importance of Temples?

Temples are places wherein a force of collective spiritual aspiration can be focused. They are like power stations for generating a higher consciousness in society. They are like communication centers to contact the Divine and the cosmic powers.

Thereby temples are the most important buildings in any community, more significant than any government building, news center or bank. They do all these functions but on an inner level. Temples serve to bring spiritual energies into the world and they work to purify our collective psyche of negative karmas.

But a real temple is a place of inner worship. It is not a church where preaching goes on, and where dogma and authority are imposed upon the minds of people, but a place of peace wherein meditation and devotional worship occurs to open our minds and hearts to the Divine.


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